P R O V I D I N G  E X C E L L E N C E  I N  S T R U C T U R A L  D E S I G N  A N D  C O N S U L T A T I O N


Profile Employment Contact

















Shimaji and Lascola always reviews résumés of skilled personnel including design professionals and draftspersons.  If you are an experienced and motivated individual looking for a position in a progressive firm in a high paced and exciting industry, mail, fax or email your resume to generalmailbox@sli-se.com.

Experience requirements: 

Structural designers should have a minimum of a bachelor's degree in civil engineering and E.I.T. from the NCEES & two years experience with a structural design firm.

Draftspersons and Cad Operators should have a thorough knowledge of AutoCAD and three years minimum experience with a structural design firm.

23682 Birtcher Dr. Lake Forest, CA  -  P. (949) 770-9967  -  F. (949) 770-9542  -  email  -  generalmailbox@sli-se.com